Post by Kevin CalderBut what is cyberpunk?
Well, while it started primarily as a literary genre, and got bigger to
include comic books, music, movies, tv shows, and games (both irl and
video), some would have other definitions of it as well, often based on
material in the original genre. For a good foundation, I'd recommend
reading some William Gibson (in particular Neuromancer, or his first two
trilogies in their entirety anyway), Neal Stephenson (particularly Snow
Crash), and Bruce Sterling. For movies, the list is fairly long, but
think The Matrix, Terminator, and others in this area. As for comic
books, Transmetropolitan is the one that most comes to mind for me. And
then there's anime... Ghost in the Shell seems the most
quintessentially cyberpunk out of what I've seen. Video games, Deus Ex
comes to mind. And tabletop rpg's, there's Cyberpunk 2020, or
everyone's favorite, Shadowrun (which also includes fantasy elements, in
addition to cyberpunk).
For further "what is cyberpunk" explanation, see
And, be warned, at least up until recently, dating back what seems like
a good few years, this newsgroup has been pretty dead. Wouldn't mind
seeing that change, but just figure you should be warned. Fear not,
however, because there are great other places, such as reddit's
/r/cyberpunk for decent discussion online.