Xmas in July (was Cold Beer and Warm Fusion)
(too old to reply)
2018-07-29 08:01:40 UTC
"Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping...into the fu-ture,
tick-tock-tick, doot-doot-do-do...."

.mpa looks up from his guitar toward the soft chirp of one of his
alarms. It is early evening after a fairly busy but relatively calm
Saturday of errands, and visits, and lunch. Alarms sound and agents
return with tidbits all the time, but the provenance and content of this
flagged message is unexpected.



A whispered directive causes the previously dormant display on his left
to crackle to life. On the screen appears a 2d representation of a 3d
web interface. Crude by 2018 standards, the textures and shapes coalesce
into a fairly cartoonish but cohesive scene as automated agents,
detecting his avatar's impending presence, begin to canvas the
surroundings and promptly dispatch scripted bots to survey the nearly
abandoned region which still houses his small but ancient outpost in the
selected reality.

"Now THERE'S a pattern we've not seen in a long while. Right place, long
time no signs or footprints. Better be sure though, before letting
sleeping dragons lay or not lay, as it were. If it's not him, someone's
ghosting one of us and that's probably a sign of something bad."

As the recognition algorithms begin their work, the now grey former
apprentice keys-in the first of a long sequence of passtokens that will
be required, regardless of whether the identity of this contact is
positively confirmed or not.

"Saturday night down there in Phil's Pholly", he chuckles, hoping a
little that the systems would need real HUMINT to supplement the
confirmation of a live 2nd generation alt.cyberpunk sighting.

"Okay Myke, play Big Ball's in Cowtown, the Bob Wills version."

"He's still the king, Michael."

"I know, Myke. No matter who's in Austin."

"Passcode accepted. Awaiting secondary confirmation."

"Secondary confirmation: Babylon5, Amiga, Beacon Street."



The almost-forgotten-but-oh-so-familiar split in consciousness catches
him off guard and, for a brief lifetime, mpa experiences each of his
moments in every of the worlds at once. As the infinite fades and he's
left with just the active threads to focus on, another chuckle escapes.

"You taught me too well, old man. Is this me or am I a dream you had,
sitting on a back porch outside of San Francisco in 1969, guts raw from
peyote and mind freed of war and peace, stretched out over grinning
fields far from the GreenFields."

As the echoes of pasts and futures coalesce into just the few NOWs, it
doesn't escape the Caped One's notice that he's a little bit older and a
little bit greyer than his old mentor was when the mantle of
apprenticeship was first laid on him in the belly of that BeastMachine.


Distilled to its essence, this is our creed:

The collection, organization, storage, analysis,
and dissemination of information is the most fundamental,
the most important, and the most sacred of vocations. It is in
these endeavors that we can best serve ourselves, our families,
our fellow man, and our God.

Our tools encompass (but are not limited to) art, craft,
science, engineering, and politics.

Whether Librarian, Records Manager, Archivist, Programmer,
Poet, Scientist, or person of any calling, it must be
understood that effectiveness and good can only be achieved
through respect for, preservation of, and reflection upon
accurate information.


"Might as well check on the chapel and other facilities while I'm
here.", he says, checking his HUDs for geographic information, weapons
system readiness, and local currency balances."

With access to the local communication facilities established, mpa waits
for the bots to do their thing and report back what he's already
confirmed to his own satisfaction: It really is one of them.

"Michael, processing of Priority One pattern contact is completed.
Identity is confirmed as one of Johnny Fusion's primary aliases. Would
you like me to read from the biographical sketch I've assembled?"

"That won't be necessary, Myke, but thanks for the effort. I'll make
contact and will file notes for you if anything regarding Rancho
security or the lost history is revealed."

"Acknowledged, Michael. Clearing the alert, returning to passive agent

As he catches a glimpse of his avatar in reflection, mpa wonders if it
isn't time to give it an update: grey out the beard and ponytail, fill
out that Santa stomach a bit, a wrinkle or twinkle or two....

He taps a key on the in-world comms interface and clicks the still
familiar icon for an old comrade.

"Greetings from an old friend here in the dystopic future they warned us
about. I hope this finds you well, [ALIAS REDACTED]"

"Hi mpa!"


[EPILOGUE - Several hours later]

"Myke, transport out and archiving for this excursion, please. And can
you get me an archive of alt.cyberpunk for the past couple of years?
While in-transit, I caught a glimpse of goings-on at the Rancho that we
apparently missed back in 2015."

"Acknowledged, Michael. Reality split confirmed. Primary
singular-experience reality has been altered in unexpected ways."

"Unexpected ways? Can you be more specific, Mycroft, before I have you
fold me back into primary experience?"

"Shifting back to singular reality in 5..4..3..2.."


"Make weapons of your imperfections.
Everything is grist for the mill." -- Sourcerer

"RL is a story told in cyberspace" -- Sweet Poly
2018-09-05 18:31:48 UTC
Post by mpa000
"Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping...into the fu-ture,
tick-tock-tick, doot-doot-do-do...."
The date of your post is 23 years and two weeks since Sweet
Poly's first Rancho post.


Date: 14 Jul 1995 20:02:46 GMT
From: Omar Haneef '96 <***@engin.swarthmore.edu>
Newsgroups: alt.cyberpunk
Subject: Re: Tea with Omar (Was: Peace Offering - the 7
Post by mpa000
Okey-doke, gang. It is the height of the summer --everybody's got all
Afternoon tea.
There is plenty of room on the big covered porch for all
the punks who want a little break. There are white wicker
chairs, porch swings, gliders, and small tables loosely
gathered in a semi-circle on the shadiest part of the
porch. The sunlight is glaring and hot in the yard, but
the porch offers plenty of shade, and the sound of the
sycamore leaves rustling in the breeze sounds refreshing,
like cool water...
Afternoon tea is a semi-formal occasion, genteel, and
everybody is wearing white linen and straw hats. Poly is
the Lady of this Place, and so doesn't have to wear a hat.
She presides over the table with the silver tea setting
that was her grandmother's, and 'pours'. There are little
cucumber sandwiches, club sandwiches, fresh fruit, and
cake. There is iced tea for those who don't want hot at
this time of day.
Poly turns to Omar: "May I offer you a nice cup of tea, Omar? Yes?
Cold or hot? Iced it is, then..." <ice cubes clink invitingly in the
glass pitcher; rounds of lemon slices bob gently in the ice...
She asks everybody in turn, and some help themselves to
sandwiches, having awful cases of the munchies... (there
are 'specially good brownies due out of the oven shortly


Although you weren't the first to reply to the thread, you
were the first to write Rancho. You connected it to the
NeuX2 threads, which was perfect.


From: .mpa <***@telerama.lm.com>
Newsgroups: alt.cyberpunk
Subject: Re: Tea with Omar (Was: Peace Offering - the 7

Michael Arrives early to case the joint and set up a few
surprises for any NeuX2's who might want to interrupt
Sweetpoly's tea party. Finding the perimeter to be secure he
crosses the field to the front of the house and steps onto
Poly's patented aqua regia Mischevious Malice Dissolver.
Once cleared by the MMD he crosses the threshold into a
remarkably well executed simulation of the Great Gatsby
(avec Leather).

"Greetings, Poly", he says as he hands her the ubiquitous
tray of Rice Crispy Treats.

"I can trust you to respect my non-agression rules while
you're here?", Poly says while putting the finishing touches
on a tray of delighful looking cucumber sandwiches.

"Of course Poly. Got any Kung Pao chicken?"

"In the fridge, next to the grape leaves."


Post by mpa000
The almost-forgotten-but-oh-so-familiar split in consciousness catches him off
guard and, for a brief lifetime, mpa experiences each of his moments in every
of the worlds at once. As the infinite fades and he's left with just the
active threads to focus on, another chuckle escapes.
"You taught me too well, old man. Is this me or am I a dream you had, sitting
on a back porch outside of San Francisco in 1969, guts raw from peyote and
mind freed of war and peace, stretched out over grinning fields far from the
Did I ever to tell you you are the spittin' image of someone
I roomed with in the Haight in 1969?
Post by mpa000
As the echoes of pasts and futures coalesce into just the few NOWs, it doesn't
escape the Caped One's notice that he's a little bit older and a little bit
greyer than his old mentor was when the mantle of apprenticeship was first
laid on him in the belly of that BeastMachine.
The collection, organization, storage, analysis,
and dissemination of information is the most fundamental,
the most important, and the most sacred of vocations. It is in
these endeavors that we can best serve ourselves, our families,
our fellow man, and our God.
Our tools encompass (but are not limited to) art, craft,
science, engineering, and politics.
Whether Librarian, Records Manager, Archivist, Programmer,
Poet, Scientist, or person of any calling, it must be
understood that effectiveness and good can only be achieved
through respect for, preservation of, and reflection upon
accurate information.
Yeah. That's the dogma alright. I would advise the kiddies
that, if they wanted to grow up to be a real hacker they
should major in electrical engineering with a minor in
Library and Informational Science (or whatever they call it
these days). It helps to be brilliant. I know some elite and
they are all brilliant. Bright bulbs. You never know though
where their spirit lies...where the details are that the
devil is in. Some have a taste for ancient Greek, or
analogue tech, or music, or painting, or free solo climbing.
Post by mpa000
"Michael, processing of Priority One pattern contact is completed. Identity is
confirmed as one of Johnny Fusion's primary aliases. Would you like me to
read from the biographical sketch I've assembled?"
Haven't talked with Johnny in...what? five, six years. Time
flies. I'm around, and Sweet Poly of course, and Nesta, too.
I need to ping Gene. It's been awhile.


The alcove library is littered with scraps of paper and
opened drawers. "I know I saw it here a few years ago",
Sourcerer mutters to himself as he rifles the pages of
another book, then tosses it onto the floor.

There was no longer any reason to maintain the weapons
systems of the Rancho. Maintenance was a problem and the
last time there was a 'problem', the MetaMetaphorMachine
nearly destroyed the Rancho. Standby Mode was always iffy,

But Sourcerer wanted to keep part of it...

"Does anyone know where the schematics are for that
deflector reflector mirror thingy?"
(__) Sourcerer
/(<>)\ O|O|O|O||O||O Mirroring the shadows of futurity
\../ |OO|||O|||O|| since 1993
|| OO|||OO||O||O